you fell for my trick
now look at my garry's mod pacs
Created ~1/1/24
its her! gakvu!
to be honest, I originally planned to make a pac for EACH obesk
and maybe I will eventually! but, for now, it's gonna just be gakvu
the poncho can be flipped on and off
and, thanks to a bunch of help from MOZZ on discord, you can also summon spikes of corru!
yes, the spike does damage
(and again, all the mechanical stuff was done by MOZZ!! - I just made it a bit prettier)
did you know toolguns are made of FOUR textures?
that's just too many to be quite honest.
Created ~1/12/24
who ever said I had to put FINISHED pacs here?
and boy, is this one unfinished
because I've never really done a furry pac before, even just figuring out the shape is difficult. And, while the sprops mod has good shapes... it also has REALLY, REALLY BAD uv mapping. I genuinely do not know how their UV maps can be so bad short of deliberatey scrambling them.
worst of all?
this thing WILL need custom animations eventually
I do not like pac3's animation editor.
alright, dumb stuff aside: the CSS from this page straight up rips some chunks out of corru.observer's CSS